Imperfect Vessel

Imperfect Vessel

I am an imperfect vessel with cracks and stains

I come with fresh and old scars and bruises

Reminders of all the times I tried to do it my way

From all the times where I didn’t trust You Lord

But You the Healer of all my brokenness

Met me in my midst of my imperfections

Told me to take Your hand and You would heal

You promised to bring life to this imperfect vessel

My scars and cracks remained to remind me

Where I have been and who I am now

They show me all the ways You’ve been there

You have used my past to point others to You

Shown others that we are all flawed and sinful

But how You can restore a broken mess of a life

And turn it around for a life of freedom from sin

I used to have chains around this vessel 

But You broke them down and freed me

I can show my broken chains to others

Show them that they don’t have to live in bondage

But they can live a life of peace and love

Sin doesn’t have to choke out Your joy

You allow us to be useful and give us purpose

We don’t have to live in fear but can walk in trust
