
One nation under God that’s America
Our forefathers wanted religious freedom
So they fought for those freedoms
Many sacrificed their lives for it
Men bled and died for our flag
America was founded on moral principles
Biblical principles flood our historical documents
Our history is covered in the blood of soldiers
In God we trust covers our coins and bills
Is our history perfect absolutely not
It is flawed just like every country’s history
Yes and we have thrived not because of us
But because we have put God first here
History is meant to be learned from
Not destroyed not forgotten but remembered 
So that we can do better and we can be better
America allows freedoms nobody else has
God bless America we need His blessing
So we can be a example of God to the world
This country needs to return to its roots
Return to the God this country was founded on
And to remember the good bad and ugly
Because we never want to go back there
History will repeat itself if we don’t return to God
If we don’t work together and love one another
Real change can’t happen apart from God
Because we need a radical internal change
Before we can start a radical external change
God bless America land that I love
I love this country and pray daily for it
Pray for physical and spiritual healing of our land
