Weakness Still Evident

Weakness Still Evident

Here I am walking this life but I’m not alone

For the Father holds my hand and walks with me

He leads me into the unknown and into the chaos

My weaknesses are still evident and on display

But my God’s power is beside me radiating

In my weakest hour God is my strength 

I can take a step forward knowing He is with me

I can face whatever this day holds for me

Because I am a daughter of the Most High

He’s never left me alone and never will

Although I am still weak I can rely on His strength 

Even though I am worn out He holds me

His power works best in my weaknesses

I know that it is He who brings me joy

His loving peace flows from Him into me

Though my weaknesses haven’t changed

Where I get my power has and it’s in Him

He gives me the strength to face today

And tomorrow He will renew my strength 

I can walk with confidence knowing I’m secure

My identity is in Christ and I am His beloved

I am His ambassador called to bring peace

I am His daughter called to represent His kingdom 

I am chosen, known, and loved beyond imagination 
