Acceptable Sacrifices

Acceptable Sacrifices

We are called to be living sacrifices

More importantly to be acceptable sacrifices 

Blameless spotless and white as snow

But our sin makes us dirty and messy

There’s is only one way to be made clean

Being washed in the precious blood of the Savior

Who took your place and mine on the cross

Conquered sin and death once and for all

So that we might become His children

And be washed clean and clear from our sin

Every moment of every day is a gift

We deserved death but we’ve been given life

Don’t take your freedom lightly my friend

It took a perfect sacrifice for that freedom

The Son of God took your cross for you

Carried the burdens of Your sin on His back

Rescued you from the chains of your sin

And He redeemed you back to Himself

Called you out of darkness into the light

God Himself took the shackles off your feet 

Gave you the ability to walk and dance

Such sweet freedom He gives to His children

Live your life living out the truth of that

Let every word, action, and thought be worthy

Let every inch of who we are praise the Lord

What can you change or do today my friend

To be or act like an acceptable sacrifice 
