Grow in the Dark

Grow in the Dark

Life is not an easy journey to walk through

In the darkest of days and darkest of nights

We are called to praise and trust our God

Reach out to the God who knows you so well

Ask Him to show You what He is doing 

In the darkest of moments is when we grow

You help my roots to expand under ground 

Although I can’t always see what’s going on

Or know what is going on behind the scenes

You are growing me beneath of surface

My trials and joy go hand in hand and coexist

So that in You Lord I can do all things

I am being stretched and molded by Your hands

You are working deep inside my heart

To transform me from the inside out

When I can’t see or understand what’s happening 

I know that You are tending to the soil 

And the seed that I am is secure in You

My roots are growing through these trials

You use all things to bring You glory and fame

Like Daniel in the lions den that was dark

And like Jonah in the dark of the whale’s belly

But more importantly like Jesus my Savior

They worshipped You and turn to You

Even in the darkness they trusted You

Jesus suffered and died for me to have life

Help me to grow in the dark and the pain

Allow me to be joyful in the situations

And the circumstances that are unavoidable

Because You God are an intentional God

You allow good and hard to blend together

To bring more and more joy into my life
