Do You Believe

Do You Believe

Look the end of the world is coming

There’s 2 teams that you can join

One is the team of God Almighty

The other is the enemy that loses

So which team will you belong to

If it’s God Almighty then pray this prayer

Lord I know I am a sinner in need of a Savior

I am extremely selfish and self-centered

But sweet Lord I want to be Your child

I know You took my place on the cross

And You took my sins upon Yourself

You died in my place and You rose again

And You conquered both sin and death

Lord I accept Your free gift of salvation

I believe You are God and You’re in control

Forgive me for my sins and selfishness

Transform me in my thoughts and desires

Help me to seek You with all that I am

To dive into Your Word and learn about You

In You I know that I will never be the same

Every day I will chose Your ways and not mine

Thank You God that I am now only Yours

Help me to seek Your face every day

That I may look more like You and less like me

My past no longer defines me but I am redeemed

Let my life be a reflection of You always

And allow me to share Your hope with others

So that we may all experience eternal life with You

Thank You that heaven awaits me one day

I lay all of me at Your feet and I am Yours

In the powerful name of Jesus Christ Amen
