Engraved on Your Hands

Engraved on Your Hands

My name is written on the hands of my Father

I am known I am loved never forgotten

It is engraved on the palm of His hands

He never forgets me because I am a part of Him

He looks down and sees my name there

What a beautiful picture to know

He knows my name and He loves me

The God of the universe He loves me

I am a daughter of the King of kings

Known personally by the Lord of lords

I am tattooed on the hands of my Savior

He saw my name and He died in my place

Took on a horrific death so I could live

I was on His mind and He was taking my death

I deserved that death and yet He took it on

It is so difficult to fathom a love like that

And yet that’s the love of my Savior King

Hallelujah to the One who conquered sin and death

Amazing that I am engraved in my Father’s hands

I am known and I am loved by the Creator of the world

I was chosen by God Himself to be His own 
