Toxic Waste


Toxic Waste

Too often and too frequently I let it in

Allowed that bitter taste too close

Pushed me farther than I wanted to go

Pressed buttons to manipulate me

Left me with a stench of toxic waste

Used me and abused me till I couldn’t breathe

Thought the feeling would go away eventually

Bruised and beaten down till I couldn’t look up 

My love was reciprocated in brokenness 

Sin did that too me gave me empty promises

It broke me until i had absolutely nothing left

Took everything I had and left me lonely

Death seemed like the only option to me

BUT GOD called me out of my own grave

Gave me grace when I was so undeserving 

Washed the dirt off my face and opened my eyes

My bruises and scars they began to heal

I was held in my Father’s arms in peace

My broken pieces were put back together

He picks me off the floor and to my feet

Told me He had erased my sins far away

Gave me a new set of plans and purpose

Replaced all the things sin stole from me

Redeemed the pieces that they’d broken

Repaired the mistrust gave unconditional love
