Fight For You


Fight for You

The enemy is waging war for our hearts

The battle seems to follow us wherever we go

Fighting in the streets and rioting on the screens

Fires surround us and fear seems crippling

Countless pieces of ash falling from the sky

The sun has turned orange around the smoke

Chaos is all that we see when we wake up

But my friends the Lord He fights for you

He is still in control and holds the world

Sometimes it takes mass chaos and fear

To turn the world back to Jesus Christ

The end is written and the winner is God

Open your eyes and see the godlessness

This world has forsaken God not the other way around

Sin is on display and floods our current media

It is celebrated and encouraged by others

The enemy’s fate is already sealed my friends

He doesn’t win he loses and he knows it

Sin and death was defeated by the cross

And when Jesus rose again it lost its grip

We now have the opportunity for eternal life

No long slaves to the chains of sin and death

But rather freedom to bring God glory

Don’t let the chaos pull your eyes from truth

Don’t let the sins of others draw you away

Fix your eyes on Jesus and see what He’s doing

There’s worship and baptism in the streets

Worldwide people are turning to Jesus 

People are being saved and experiencing Christ

What joy that should bring our hearts and souls

That new brothers and sisters are being added

The family of God is growing each and every day

The Lord is on the throne and He will fight for us

No matter what wages around us He’s in control
