A Harvest of Good Deeds


A Harvest of Good Deeds

Adams sin brought condemnation

But Jesus’ death and resurrection brought new life

It brought a relationship with the Most High God

Just as we died with Christ

Our old nature crucified And buried with Him

We have been raised to life through His resurrection

And must live our lives as new creatures

Radically changed by our Savior King Jesus

Death lost its grip on us

When we accept God’s free gift of salvation

Sin no longer reigns in our lives

Because it’s power was crucified and buried

It doesn’t control you

So don’t continue living like it does

We are to be used as instruments

For the glory and purposes of God

Our lives should share the freedom

That God’s incredible grace gives us

Obey His commands only

Not your fleshly sinful desires

Live righteously because

You are no longer slaves to sin

What an amazing free gift that salvation is

We can dance and move

And breath in this freedom

Hallelujah to the God

Who made us and saves us

The God who gives so freely

And covers us with grace and love

We are so undeserving

But God gives generously anyway

Create a harvest of good deeds for Lord

Friends are lives are to be a great display

Of God’s fruitfulness and faithfulness

Our lives are a demonstration

Of the goodness of God

And a declaration of all

God has done in our lives
