

I am known and loved by the King of kings

He knows my name and He loves my heart

He calls me His daughter and invites me

To be a part of bringing His kingdom on earth

I am an ambassador for the kingdom of God

My life is an example of what God can do

He can take a broken mess of a person

And breathe life into those broken lungs

Restore and clean up the mess and use it

To share my story my path and my journey

So that others will see the goodness of God

And see that life doesn’t have to stay broken

Life will always be messy but there’s hope now

There’s a bright future ahead for each of us

Regardless of the circumstances or decisions

Our past doesn’t define us but it shows growth

From dead to life from broken to restored

From faithless to faithful from hopeless to hopeful

Our Father wants your heart and to use your life

He wants you and He is pursuing your heart

But our sin nature and our desire for selfishness

Keeps us from becoming His children

But God in His great mercy and love for us 

Sent His Son Jesus to die in Your place 

Who else has ever died for you without knowing you

He died so He could have the opportunity to know you

He conquered sin and death once and for all

All it takes is acceptance of a free gift

Salvation from the God who created you

He knows you better than you know yourself

Despite of who you are or who you have been

He loves you so deeply and passionately 

His love is defined by conditions or motives

He loves you unconditionally no strings attached 

So will you believe and accept Him into Your heart

Today you can know for sure with complete assurance 

That heaven will be your home after you die

Repeat after me this simple but powerful prayer

Lord I know I am a sinner and have made mistakes

Forgive me for the ways I have lived my life

I believe that You died in my place on the cross

And that You rose again conquering sin and death

I welcome You into my heart please make it Your home

Guide me in Your truths and show me how to be Your child

From this day forward Lord teach me to love like You do

Today I accept You into my heart in Jesus name Amen
