Essential to Life


Lord your presence is essential to life

And I can’t walk this journey without You

Because I need you each mile each step each moment

I am desperately in need of your presence

My day can’t happen without you in it

I want to glorify you with every minute

Every day is a gift from You O Lord

May I never forget that truth

Every breath isn’t promised

Every heart beat isn’t guaranteed

So let every breath and beat be for You 

All that I am praise the maker of the world

Let every word and thought motive and action

Bring glory to the God who made it all

Who calls me chosen and His own

Breathed life into my dry bones

Gave me a second chance to live

When death should have been my ending

Pours out love when I am so far from deserving

Never leaves me to journey this life alone

But walks side by side and hand in hand with me 

