Hunt For Knowledge


I want to hunt for knowledge of You God

More importantly I want to experience You

Intimately uniquely have relationship with You

Although I will never fully understand You

I will never stop seeking and searching

Desiring to have my eyes and heart opened

Wanting more of You and none of me

Searching for the things Your heart is after

Needing You just to take my next breath

Seeking after Your ways and Your thoughts

Wash over my mind and cleanse it from within

So that the things of this world dissipate 

And I am left with the only thing that matters

Which is You and You alone O Father God

I want You and only You nothing else matters

I want to know You intimately and personally

Link our hearts so that I can reflect You

I am a chosen ambassador for You Lord

Help me to know You and share You always

Give me courage to stand confidence to speak

Knowledge of Your Word, Your will, Your ways

To point others to the One their hearts are missing

You who loves them and desires to know them

Help me to help others see You King Jesus

