Lead The Way


Thank you God that

When I weep you weep

And when I laugh you laugh

When I smile you smile

No matter what I'm going through

You’re right here next to me

You hold my hand through it all 

The good the bad and the ugly

With you God I can rejoice

And Lord with You I sorrow

But You are so good to me

You never leave me alone

Not once yet and not once ever

You hold me close to Your heart

So we can battle any weather

Come rain or shine snow or heat

You have Your arms tight around me

You comfort me and surround me

Holding my hand through the rocky

Always with me through the rain

Come what may You’ve beside me

Carrying me through the battle

Pushing me up the stew mountain

Nothing can stop the Almighty God

I lean into You cuz I am weak

And I rely solely on You

Lead the way Father God @aforestoflikes
