Restore Us


Lord You hold us in Your tender arms

And give us rest and in peace.

In our moments of loneliness and sickness

You lay right next to us holding our hand

You wrap us up in Your arms

So we are never alone

In uncertainty and diversity

We cling to You our Father

We pray for our our nation to turn from its sin

To seek You in its moments of uncertainty

We pray miraculous healing over our land

Rain peace over this world

And bring revival to its streets

We know that You can do all things

We come before You and pray

Pray for restoration of our Godly roots

Remembrance of You as our leader

Seeking You for guidance in all things

Honoring You as Lord and King

Help us to remember why our ancestors came Help us to cry out to You

And turn our nation back to You

To the God on which we built this nation

In Jesus name Amen
