Safety Prayers


My prayers for years have been safety prayers

Safety for the ride home and blessings over my food

Rarely take the time to sit still just be there

I want to pray with complete transparency

Pray dangerously for actual changes in my life

To let You actually do what You want with me

I want to be a prayer warrior and pray right

Desiring every prayer to have purpose for You

Let there be power behind the words that I speak

And for me to be a vessel worthy for You to use

I know that I wasn’t born to be timid or weak

I have resurrection power flowing through me

I want my prayers to be a charge for change

I humble myself before Your throne of peace

Pray for mountains to be moved chains to break

For a world that is running after You alone

That brings Your heavenly kingdom down here

And all glory and honor be to Your throne

May we radiate the truth of Your mercy and grace

Kneel before the King and give you the praise

Drawing the world back to Your glorious name

Until we meet You one day face to face

This is my prayer in Jesus name Amen

