


Where’s the seeds of God’s Word planted in you

Do you have deep roots in King Jesus

Where you watered it and gave it sunshine

Or did you plant your roots in the shallows

Only to whither when things got too hot

Did you just toss the God’s Word in front of you

Only to allow the enemy to snatch your seeds

So they never had time to grow or flourish

Did you plant yourself in good solid soil

Or where the thorns surrounded your seeds

Until they choked the very life out of you

Did you allow others to choked Jesus out of you

My friend you’ll never grow if you don’t plant right

You need good and fertile soil in order to grow

A true investment and commitment to Christ

That doesn’t waver when things get hard

But it firmly planted and deeply rooted in Him

Because storms will come and winds will blow

But a firm foundation in the Lord will not be moved 
