


So many things to be thankful for

This year tried to steal our thanksgiving 

But our thanks isn’t dependent on life

Regardless of the status of every day

We have a million reasons to be thankful

God is on the throne and in control

We are never alone because He’s with us

We’ve been given a new day with sunshine

We have the hope of heaven one day

Gods faithfulness has never failed and won’t

His love is endless and unconditional

New songs to sing of the Lords goodness

We are alive and we are still here

There’s breath in our lungs

And there’s a beat in our chest

Arms and legs that help us to move

A brain to help us think and navigate 

I am thankful for a husband who loves me well

I am thankful for family their love and support

For friends who are understanding and kind

For time to spend with the ones we love

For a career that allows me to do what I love

This list could go on and on forever and ever

But my friends please remember this

Thanksgiving is not just a one day holiday

But we should be thankful every day  
