


Lord your purpose of coming to this earth was to suffer

To take our place and to conquer sin and death

You healed the sick and made the blind to see

Spoke of the Father and our desperate need for Him

Lame men were made to walk; blind men could see

Children you made well; bleeding You stopped

You showed compassion and love on the outcasts

Spent time with sinners like us and loved on us

You knew that Your time here would be short

You came and died conquered sin and death 

You did the unimaginable for the people of this world

Died in their place to give them an opportunity 

To know their God and Creator their Savior

Such grace and mercy You pour out over us

How often we take You Lord for granted

Forgive us Lord for our forgetfulness and pride

Forgive us for our ignorance and selfish 

We need You Lord Jesus You and only You

Thank You for the cross and taking my place

Thank You for defeating sin and death

So that I can be a daughter of the King
