Fragile Clay Jars


Fragile Clay Jars

We are holders of the glory of God

We are nothing special that we can boast

For we are just mere fragile clay jars

But we have been given the greatest gift

To be jars that can pour out ourselves

And replace it with the glory of God

May our clay jars be used to bring God fame 

What great treasure we store inside

It radiates into every aspect of who we are

We can’t help but speak of His goodness

It pours out of us like carbon dioxide 

We can’t help but share as much as we can

The evidence of God in us is found in our fruits

We love others with the same love He gives us

Filled with joy and peace in every circumstance

Patience, kindness and goodness we share

Faithfulness, gentleness and self control too

These fragile clay jars are Gods instruments 

We can boast only in His power and might

Because He has given us grace and mercy

We are so far from deserving and yet

God continues to bless us over and over again

Hallelujah to God who loves unconditionally 

We are submitted to bring His kingdom on earth 
