He Died


He Died

He died just to get the opportunity to know you

Who would do that take the place of a total stranger 

Just to have the chance to get to know you

I mean there are very few people who would

Die on your behalf or in your place who know you

He died the most brutal death imaginable

Just to know you so you could be His own

Here is Gods holy perfect Son Jesus Christ

Who came down to earth from heaven itself

To live among us, love us, and teach us truth

We reject both Him and His teachings

We demand His death and to release a murderer

You and me are in the crowd yelling crucify Him

He is beaten to the point of almost death

Flesh ripped over his back and chest

With bones, muscles, and tendons exposed

Had to carry a heavy cross on his unidentifiable back

Then nailed to it by His wrists and feet

A crown of thorns firmly pressed into His brow

He had to push up on His nail driven feet

To be able to take a single breath into His lungs

Each breath more painful than the last one

He asks His Father in heaven to forgive His killers

Unimaginable and unfathomable love He has for us

Who are we to be deserving of such a love as this

Jesus conquered sin and death for you and me

So that we could have the opportunity to know Him

To become His children to know God the Father

Our chains to sin have been severed and broken forever

We can live in the freedom of Christ’s resurrection 

What tremendous and incredible love He pours out

It’s hard to fathom and comprehend His love

But regardless of our understanding His love is true

Thank You God for Your gracious love for us
