Letters of Recommendation


Letters of Recommendation

We have been given the gift to live our lives

In alignment with the will of the Father

Upon our hearts is written His goodness

And we are His walking representatives 

Of the kingdom of God as we live and breathe

Everything that we are does one of two things

Points others towards or away from Christ 

As ambassadors of heaven we have been called

To represent our Heavenly Father here on earth

Our lives should be God-centered letters of recommendation

Seeking out every opportunity to share His love

Showing the grace and mercy that we’ve been given

Sharing the love of God that is unconditional 

Speaking truth and light over every person

Being God’s light in a world that is so dark

Our actions friends can either show off Christ

Or it can show off ourselves so boast in Christ

Boast about the wonderful things He’s doing

Let others see Christ’s joy flow out of you

In every season joy should be your response

It confuses people when there’s joy in hardships

And that’s the best time to share the good news

That Jesus saves and rescues the sinner

Bring you into His family and calls you His own

Let other people read the story of your life

Because it’s not your story but His story

How He radically changed you from in the inside

And He gave you His undeserved grace

Every morning He gives you new mercies

Be a letter of recommendation for the glory of God
