Love Letter


Did you see the love letter written in the sky this morning

Written by the King of kings and the Lord of lords

It has Your name written all over it

Your name is radiantly painted

Beautifully displayed on the canvas of the sky

He is saying good morning and I love you

As He tells the sun to rise to greet us

And the sunset to say good night

Such majesty portrayed with each sunrise and sunset

All creation shouts of the glory of God

Every sunrise a new painting of God’s beauty

A canvas beautifully designed for His glory

Shines for all to see that His mercies are new today

He says to the lonely I see you and hear you

He says to the hopeless there’s hope for you

He says to the lost come I’ve been looking for you

The sunrise is God’s display of power and majesty

He is calling you each morning to remember the Creator
