New Bodies


New Bodies

Here on earth we have on this place earthly bodies

Created in the image of God handcrafted 

But these bodies are only for the here and now

Because of what Christ has done for us on the cross

Conquered the grave and poured our grace

Gave us new life and a second chance in Him

This life here on earth is only temporary

But while we are here we are called to

Spend every day serving the King of kings

And sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

We also have been given the hope of heaven

Which means this place is not our home

And these bodies are just a temporary space

But in heaven we will have new bodies

We will be clothed in His righteousness 

And will be without pain and sorrow

What hope we can cling to even today

Because heaven is where we are home

Is that where you will go when you die

If you’re unsure today you can be sure

By accepting the truth that Jesus died

He took your place, that cross should’ve been yours

He took upon the sin of the world on His body

Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead

He offers you the free gift of salvation

If you confess that Jesus Christ is Lord

And believe in Your heart that God raised Him

From the dead you will be saved my friends

It’s that simple and God is inviting you today 

What will you say to His reached out hand
