Nothing Can Separate Us


Nothing Can Separate Us

How amazing is it that Gods love never ends

It knows no bounds or restraints in any way

It knows no condition or requirement to receive

But is freely given to all of Gods people

Nothing can separate us from His love

Although the enemy wants you to feel like it can

Gods love isn’t dependent on you or me

Rather it is because God Himself is love

The world can rage and storm around you

It can try to make you feel like you’re worthless

Or feel like there’s no hope left to hold onto

It can try to tear you down or beat you up

But the truth of the matter is this and this alone

And that is God loves you and cares for you

His love is not circumstantial but constant

He doesn’t change the amount of His love either

God fully and completely loves you my friend

He gives it freely to any and all who receive it

He gives you resurrection power to face the day

He gives you peace in the raging and chaos

He showers love to remind you you’re His

Angels or demons can’t remove You from His love

Distance makes no difference in His love for you

Death itself lost its grip on you and no longer controls you

Not even the powers of hell can separate us

From the overwhelming and amazing love of God

What a beautiful that we can hold onto

That Gods love never fails never leaves us alone
