Priceless Value of Knowing


Priceless Value of Knowing

We have been given a gift my friends

The God who created both heaven and earth

Who covers the night sky with bright stars

And each sunrise and sunset He paints

Who handcrafted each of us in our mother’s womb

So unique and different from one another

Has allowed us mere creations mere men

To know the God of all of the universe

Intimately know the One who holds it all together

He knows each and every one of us by name

The gift of knowing God is priceless

He rains down peace and joy over us

His grace works best in our weaknesses

His mercies are new every morning

Forgiveness is ours because of Christ conquered sin and death 

This gift of knowing Christ is worth infinitely more

Than anything that this world could offer us

It is a gift we shouldn’t take lightly ever

Not something that we should only cling to

Or that we only seek out and try to find

When trials, tribulations, and storms come

Or only on certain days of the week friends

This is more precious than gold don’t you see

The God of the universe wants your heart

How can you not fall to your knees right now

And surrender your selfish living and life

And seek out and search for more of Him

This treasure is something that is worth discovering 

It is more valuable than your own life

The knowledge of who God is is an endless treasure hunt

Because the more we know of God Himself

The more there is to know and it’s wonderful 
