Same Attitude


Same Attitude 

How different would your life look

How different would your actions be

How different would your words say

If you had the same attitude as Christ Jesus

Would you look like a brand new person

Would people recognize you if you did

Or would you be a complete stranger

To the people who know you best 

Jesus was Gods Son yet He never held that tightly

He humbled Himself and hung out with sinners

Jesus chose to lead a servants life instead

He humbled Himself to the cross that belonged to us

He took on the most brutal of deaths

You and I deserved to be beaten and hung there

But in His grace and mercy He took our place

Defeated sin and death so we could be His

Friends let’s change the way we live

By allowing God to transform our minds

To become humble servant for Christ

Not cling to anything that we are

Get low my friends bow before the King

We have done nothing to deserve a thing

Yet in His love He gave His life an offering

So that we could become children of the King
