Struggle Together


Struggle Together

My friends in this life we will struggle

Most of you have already experienced this

But we don’t struggle alone but together

We each bring different struggles to the table

And can share the difficulties with one another

And our God is in the midst of our troubles

Your past, present and your future struggles

He already knows what they are going to be

But He has also given you the strength to stand

We can also lean on each other to walk the journey 

God has given us one another to help us

And we can trust in Him to not only get us through 

But to also be radically changed in the process

Diamonds are formed with the heaviest of pressure

And friends sometimes we are just as stubborn 

We pray to look more like Christ each day

But don’t want to do the work to change

We like our comforts and where we are at

But we are meant to grow not stay stagnant 

Trust me if there were another way He would do it

But we are a selfish and self centered bunch

We can only see what little bit in front of us

But God can see it all and wants what’s best

It’s okay for you to cry through the struggles 

Those tears are not weakness displayed 

But trust that God has is and will always be

In control of it all and He holds the world in His hand

See the struggle for what it is a chance for growth

A chance to shake up our comfortable position

To bring God glory and fame here on earth

And what an honor and privilege that is
