Veil Is Removed


Veil Is Removed

Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death

Once and for all it has been overcome

The veil has been torn and removed

So that we can enter the Holiest Place

We have been given the Spirit of God

He lives inside the heart of every believer

Helps us to know which way to go

We are never alone but He’s always there

Holding our hand when we struggle to stand

Bracing us when the storms rage on

And skipping with us through the fields of joy

We can have an intimate relationship with Him

He knows everything about us absolutely everything 

But He wants us to know Him and His ways

The more we surrender ourselves to Him

The more of Him we can see and we can know

He pours out His mercy and grace over us

Friends this life will never be easy or simple

But we can trust in the God of the universe

To hold us and guide us in His truth and love

He wants what is best for us not what we think is

Sometimes that means no to some desire

But that doesn’t mean He doesn’t love you

It may just not be the right timing or thing for you

Allow God to guide your life and blessings flow

I’m still not saying life will be easier somehow

But there will be peace, joy and love abounding
