Winds Against Us


Winds Against Us

Friends hasn’t it felt like in this year

That the winds have been against us

And difficulty keeps coming after us

Now it seems like danger is here as well

Life has been chaos and fear abounds

But friends you know what has never changed

God the Holder of the world hasn’t let go

He is still in control and He’s still worthy of your trust

He hasn’t failed us or walked away from us

Why is it in the scariest of moments my friends 

Is when we start to reach towards God Himself

Because sometimes we need to be shook

To open our eyes to reality that we need Him

Sometimes it takes a category 5 storm

For us to realize that we need hope

You may feel like you’re off course or lost

But He’s either got you or He wants you

You are on Gods path and He’s calling you

If you know Him then trust that He’s got you

He’s never failed and He’s not starting now

If you don’t know Him don’t you see you do

Fear is a lie and the enemy’s way of blinding you

But the beauty is Christ crushed fear and death

He conquered sin and death so fear has no place

Although your days may be the darkest ever

The clouds of fear and doubt block your hope

You may be asking God where are you

Where did you go are we left to manage along

But friends take heart don’t you lose heart

Chose today to trust in a God who says don’t be afraid

And have faith in the God who is in control

Hang onto the promises from God to you

Be the Christian Gods called you to be

Be joy when others expect you to fear

Pour out peace when hope seems lost

Love others because God loved you first

Expand God’s kingdom in your response

By living a life of righteousness friends

Let your life be an opportunity to be Christ to others

