Born to Fight


Born to fight

Life is not always easy and hard times come

These are not the end but just the beginning

We have been given the full armor of God

So that we can defend ourselves from the enemy 

He has fiery darts that he has aimed at us

And he’s trying hard to penetrate our armor

But we can stand against him and his army

Because we have the God of all power on our team

We were born to fight because there’s a war

It’s a war for souls but we know the outcome

We know that God wins the war in the end

So we can rage on knowing He will be victorious 

This life isn’t easy because there is an enemy

He wants to try to snatch us from Gods hands

But friends the beauty and truth is nothing can

Nothing can separate us from the hand of God

And nobody can ever snatch us from God 

There’s a reason why life gets difficult for us

Because the enemy wants our souls for himself

And because he can’t have us he tries to hurt us

Tries to steal our joy, kill our peace and rob our life

But our joy isn’t conditioned to our situation

For it is rooted deep in Christ Jesus our Lord

Our peace isn’t of this world but Gods kingdom

And this life is only temporary and is not our home

We belong in heaven and will never belong here
