Born to Flourish


Born to flourish

You were born to flourish and born to grow

Our King Jesus is the Gardener of your life

When you accepted the gift of salvation

Your seed was planted into truth and grace

As you read the Word of God and believed

Your roots slowly started to grow beneath 

A tiny little shoot appeared before the surface

As you began to change the details of your life

It was apparent to the world there was a difference

As the shoot began to grow storms came

They tried to knock down your faith

But the roots you made in Jesus Christ

They kept you from being uprooted

Soon you began to bud some new shots

But some were not of benefit for your life

So the Gardner prunes those parts away

Although that was a painful experience 

You grew stronger in wisdom of Gods truth

My friends God wants your seed to flourish

He has only what is best in store for you
