Flourishing Finish


Flourishing Finish

God has started a beautiful work in you

He has brought you through trials

And has brought you through success

Do you remember your faith on day one

You knew so little but you knew truth

That God was God and we are not

He died in our place and gave us new life

The God who started this beautiful work

Will bring each and every one of us

To a flourishing and complete finish

Every construction site has its setbacks

It has its challenges and its difficulties

Not everything goes perfectly as planned

Such is life my friends it’s a struggle

But in the struggles and in the pains

What beauty can be found in these ashes

What growth comes from these changes

He wants to mold you into your best version

Not by your standards but by His holy ones

He has the very best in mind for you

But even diamonds require pressure

Know that even though life seems daunting

It’s not that’s just fear trying to hindering you

From seeing the beauty of what God is doing

And remind your fear who your God is
