Know That You’re Loved


Know That You’re Loved

God loves you do you really know this

The God of all things who created it all

Who sent His Son in your place on the cross

To show you a glimpse of His love for you 

Know that you are so loved my friends

You can move mountains or walk through valleys

No matter what is placed before you

When you know that you are loved by God

You can walk through fire or storms

There’s nothing you can’t do with His love as your strength

Every day brings its struggles and its pain

But know that you are so incredibly loved

And you can do all things through Christ

He’s never failed and won’t start that now

God’s love gives us the power to face the day

Strength to walk through the pains and struggles

Because we know that we are not alone

But the God of peace takes every step with us

Know that you are so loved my friends

Whatever turbulence you may experience

Because God’s love is not conditional

So it doesn’t depend on you or circumstances

His love is stronger than any difficulty 

There’s nothing you can’t do with His love as your strength
