No Fellowship


No F


Love and hate have no fellowship

Darkness and light have no fellowship

These two can not mingle together

Polar opposites that can’t coexist

Friends we are called to be opposite

Opposite of the everything the world is

We are called to love not to hate 

Bring peace and not to bring war

To show kindness instead of greed

Shine light into the darkness not hide

We are called to sing and shout Gods praise

Not to be silent and cower in fear

We have been given a spirit of power

It is time for us to stop living like we belong

This world is not our home but heaven is

It is time for Gods people to rise up

To stand up for justice and for the unheard

Bring Gods kingdom here on this earth

To be a people that brings God all glory

That when everybody is sitting that we stand

And when everybody is silent we speak up

When everybody is following people we follow God

Friends now is the time to let that light shine

People so desperately need Jesus more than ever

We as Gods children and church need to rise up

Reach out for the hurting and the broken

Show them the love and goodness of the Father

Tell them they aren’t alone but so known

Wake up church and be the church of God
