Peace in Tribulation


Peace in Tribulation

What a gift that salvation is to those who believe 

All fear is replaced by hope in an eternal future

Peace rains in our hearts as we trust in God

Flooding of joy in the midst of the chaos

Because we know who holds the world together 

And we can trust in the face He’s never failed

His promises are true He’s always faithful

His love endures forever and He’s on the throne

He is in control of everything and reigns on high

Such peace to know that God is in control

Even in trials and tribulations there can be peace

Because we can trust in the God who’s never failed

We know how the story ends and who the victor is

We can choose to be on the winning team

And to know where we will be when it’s over

Because we have been saved by Gods grace

Given salvation and given eternity with Him

We don’t have to fear about today or tomorrow 

But can trust in our faithful and just King
