Shake it Off


Shake It Off

The enemy is trying to mess with our minds

Filling it with fear and doubt and depression 

If he can keep our focus on our circumstances 

Then he knows that he has got your mind

But God wants to bring revival to our minds

He wants us to shake off our fear and anger

To shake off bitterness, delusions or despair 

Throw your depression and anxiety into the fire

Allow God to take you to your purpose 

We have all lost a lot of things this year

But we haven’t lost God He is a faithful God

He still has a plan for your life and you have purpose

You are called essential in the kingdom of God

The world may be spiraling out of control

But God wants to bring you peace, hope and joy

The enemy wants you to run from God

But God is calling you back to Himself

He loves you so much and wants your heart

Reach out to Him for a fresh start in your life

Shake off the things the enemy is trying to have you hold

Let go of the things that keep you from God

Receive His forgiveness, grace and love

Today these things can be yours to have

Don’t let another day pass by for you

Without you knowing the God of all things
