Spiritually Anemic


Spiritually Anemic

Do you read both the Old and New Testament

Because both are beneficial for your life

God shows us Himself and His people

It shows us the mighty power of God

You see that He is a jealous God

He desires our worship to Him only 

Lack of knowing Old Testament promises

And the future prophecies that are written

How will you know what is to come

And what to look for in the future

You are spiritually anemic of the truth

The Old Testament isn’t some old collection 

But it points to the coming of the Messiah

It shows the heart of God the Father Himself

It lays the foundation of our faith friends

There’s wisdom and knowledge in there

The entire Bible is God breathed and inspired

What good would it be to only read half of it

You’d be missing out on half of who God is

Half of what God has done and will do

Don’t neglect the Old Testament but read it

Discover the treasures God has in store for you
