Your Love


Your love

Your love laps me like the waves on my toes

Comes crashing in like a large swell around

It floods me till it soaks me to my core

Surround me until I am overwhelmed 

Wraps me up in arms of amazing grace

Comforts me daily through all of my minutes

Holds me near to Your heart O Father

Washes over me and brings such peace

Covers me and calls me back to You

Refreshes my weary soul and weak heart

Restores me from my knees to my feet

Gives me new strength to face the day

New mercies to greet me every morning

Such sweetness to taste the love of God

And such beauty to behold His goodness

Your amazing love swells deep within me

And is nothing I could earn or possibly deserve 

Yet it is mine to have with no conditions or bounds
