Heal Our Land


Heal our land

Lord our land is so far from its moral roots

Our forefathers founded this land in You

In God we trust and prayer started every meeting

But we have turned from it all to evil ways

No longer protecting the lives of our citizens

We so desperately need You King Jesus

Take over our country and heal our land

Start with us Lord start a revival with us

May we return to our first love that is You

Remember why we left England to here

We came for religious freedom to worship

Show us Lord the wicked ways we’ve taken

Bring us back to heart of God the Father

And bring salvation within our borders again

Use us to bring fame and glory to You

Strengthen us to stand for truth and justice

Because in God we trust and can stand firm

We know how the story ends with You victorious

But Lord may we be about our Fathers business

Until the final word of history is lived out
