Naming and Owning


Naming and Owning

Look me in the eyes I can tell you

Without a shadow of a doubt

That I am a complete and total failure

I can’t do anything on my own

Everything I touch turns to garbage

I am naming and owning my failures

But the beauty is there’s a gracious God

Who changed everything about me

But I am still a failure on my own

Apart from Him everything means nothing 

God has called me out of the garbage 

He has given me a new name and purpose

Everything He touches turns prosperous

He has created a newness within me 

I no longer am living this life but Christ in me

Because without Him I can’t move or breathe

My heart can’t beat and lungs can’t expand

Because He is in control of everything

This life is a second chance He’s given me

To use every moment to honor Him

May I never miss out on an opportunity 

To share or show the love of Christ Jesus
