Nothing But Forgiveness


Nothing But Forgiveness

Look the good, bad, and ugliness you gave me

I hold no grudges but I let it all go now

Things were rough and didn’t get better 

You’ll never know the damage you made

You used me and everything was all toxic

Nothing good came out of all of that

But I am not holding onto bitterness anymore

Can’t go back and change the past

But I want you to know I’m not holding onto it

Because over here there’s nothing but forgiveness

Having experienced the love of the Father

There’s no hatred here in my heart for you

I’ve been forgiven for my laundry list of sins

So friends forgive those who’ve wronged you

Look people will hurt you and they will break you

But hurt people hurt other people you know

It’s not an excuse but we are called to let go

To forgive what seems unforgivable to you

Because Christ forgave the unforgivable for you
