


Praise the God that holds the world in His hands

That knows the number of hairs on my head

The sum of beats my heart makes a minute

The amount of tears that have fallen from my eyes

He knows all He sees all and He controls all

Nothing has been done apart from His will


Praise the God that holds my heart in His hands

Bring me closer to Himself every day

Has plans to bring me hope and a future

Allows me the opportunity to walk with Him

He has done great things and will continue

Now and forevermore praise the Lord


Praise the God who took our place on the cross

Carried the weight of our sins on His shoulders

Eternal life is the prize that awaits us

If you confess that Jesus is Lord

And believe that He rose from the dead

You will be saved and spend forever with Him


Praise the God who will know wins in the end

That has already conquered sin and death

The end is written and the enemy defeated

We can walk in the victory of the Lord

We are called to point the spotlight to Christ

Praise the God who was and is and is to come
