Same Shackles


Why is that I keep putting my hands back into the same shackles

I've been redeemed from why do i keep going back to the very thing

I’ve been saved from and claimed it as my struggle

Why can’t i let go of the very things that I was rescued from

I stay in the misery instead of embracing the joy that free

Freedom doesn’t seem to come so easily for me

I am overwhelmed by my need to chained to something

I keep reaching out to be saved from my own self

Laying down in a puddle of my made up fears looking back at me

Tear falling down to the floor and trying not to slip back into the past

Rolling down this road reminds of the girl I used to be

Standing here in the cold hoping to never return to that place

But you are waiting there with open arms to hold me

Leaving the freedom to chase the past filled with pain and regret

Let the rivers flow and wash away the fear of yesterday

How can I just pack this up and just leave it here and walk away

I feel like its a part of me and almost like it hurts to leave it behind

But how can I possibly want to keep a burden like that

I have freedom freedom from the very things that tried to kill me

They tried to steal my breath and suffocate the joy I received

The better version of me is about to emerge like a butterfly

I was born to fly in the redemption story that I was given

The past me was crucified with Christ and I am a change in the making

I am a heart that is constantly under His divine construction

Reconstructing who I was into who I am meant to be

So that I can be a representation of the King who pulled me out

Drowning in my fears and insecurities but the grace reached out

The grace of God reached into the darkness and pulled me into the light

I am set free from any form of bondage or slavery to the past

Made new in the perfection of the God and his merciful pardon
