Smell Like You


Lord I want every part of me to show all of you

For people to see Jesus in everything I do

Whether thats eating drinking or just being

Your glory is the reason that I am breathing

I want your kingdom to come here on earth

So that every person can see what they’re worth

That love be spread like a wildfire to the woods

Instead of finding love in all these worldly goods

Burn the dry hearts into full blown flames

Let this place erupt singing and bring you praise

God I wanna smell like You

I wanna taste like You

I wanna see like You

I wanna hear like You

I wanna feel like You

I wanna be like You

All glory to the King who gives us unconditional grace

And calls out of death into life calls by name

So that we can be apart of His kingdom above

And while here on this earth be messengers of love

To show this world what He's done for them

Freedom is theirs and it's a gift to all men

We've been given a second chance at this life

So spread the love to all spread it like fire

Let the whole world see the beauty of our King

Let His freedom ring for He has rescued everything
