Sweet Aroma of Intimacy


What a sweet fragrance that comes from You

A sweet time it is to spend in Your presence

That aroma that draws me into You

Worship flows out of me as I spend time

Intimacy deeper than one can fathom

You know me to my deepest core of my being

Seen me for all my flaws and abnormalities

My shortcomings, failures, and imperfections

The me that very few have ever seen or will

Lord You see it all because I cant hide anything from you

But despite me, You love me unconditionally

My head hurts trying to comprehend that

I lay all of me at the foot of Your cross

As I am reminded of my redemption

Your precious blood that covers it all

Tears fill my eyes as I envision Your torture

But it had to be done to save the world

Thank You Jesus for desiring Your Father’s will

And taking my place when I deserved death

You have given me a second chance at life

May that sweet aroma of all that You are

Flow out of me and help me share with others

So they can know you and call You their Father

And experience the sweet aroma of intimacy with You
