Taste All the Sweetness


King of the world and King of my life

I lay all of me at Your feet take control

Letting go of my tightly held fist

I relinquish my will in the pursuit of Yours

You know what I need, lack, and desire

You know what the absolute best for me is

I am lost without the knowledge of You

Goodness is only found in Your presence

And that’s the only place I want to be

I surrender to the power of You my King

For You are true peace, love, hope and grace

Your mercies for me are new every morning

Hallelujah for that cuz I am in desperate need

Your strength is made best in my weakness

So Lord make me weak so that You can restore

Empower me to be the woman Ive been called

I desperately need you both in health and sickness

When things are great and when they are the worst

You are still a good Father and a good God

I look forward to our intimate time spent together

You are my favorite part of every single day

I cant wait to taste all the goodness You have for me

What a sweet time when I am in Your presence
