


Today I choose to lift my eyes up to You

I choose joy instead of fear for my day

To trust that God You’ve never failed me

And You’re not going to start that today

I choose to see beauty in the chaos

To see the world through Your eyes

And know that You are in control of it all

I humbly how before Your throne God

Offer all of me to be use for Your glory

That I may be a beacon of light for You

To shine in this dark world and point to You

Today I choose to be Your ambassador 

To show the world the God who loves them

Who is inviting them into fellowship with You

And to be the person to point to the Way

Let every word and action bring You fame

That others will see You in me and want You

I choose today to surrender my agenda

To give up my selfish plans and my motives

And claim Your will to be what’s done in my life

I want what You have God nothing more or less

I need You desperately and want You deeply

Lord use me today I am clay in Your hands

Mold me into who You need me to be today
