Anthem of Truth


Even when the storms last a long time I am found in you and you are my supply in every season 

Come what may Lord be my everything not be just a song that's sung but a daily anthem of truth

That brings light and rings truth over my circumstances for in You I am full

I no longer need to fill my time with worldly desires my flesh needs to starve

So that my soul may feast and bask in your love please God break down the walls I keep building up

Release me from the shackles I keep putting my hands and feet because I am set free

Remove anything in me and in my life that isn't of you and allow me to be okay

If I need to be trimmed or operated on in order for that to be so then let it be

Allow my heart to know that even though this may hurt that pain is only temporary

But the eternal reward is far greater than any earthly loss whatever it takes please let it be

I only want you and I only need you and if that means I have to walk alone for awhile

With just You and me then so be it if that be your will I want to go deeper with You

Because in the loneliest of times I feel closer to you remove the grip of distractions

Allow me to rekindle the flame of our love that I let burn out

Set a roaring fire to these burned out ashes and remind me of my first love

Stir up a passion that's been lost and allow me to get to know you all over again

As I read your Word as we communicate take walks together listen and as I spend time with You

I want to know you intimately and nothing and nobody has the right to take that away from me

Because I want to desire you so deeply that I only see your truths and that the path I've been walking

Is made up of deceit I lay down my pride my guilt and my skeletons at your feet

I've been carrying them for too long and the load is too much to bear

I release them to die on the cross with You to be buried in the grave forever

God I stretch out my hands and release my burdens and lay them at your feet

I give up my need to control and I wanna just be free from my own bondage

I wanna walk intimately hand in hand with you my Savior
