Don’t Let it All Be Words


Don’t let it be all words

Friends in this day and age there’s a lot of fear

Fear of the unknown and fear of the known

Many of you have turned to God because of this 

Praise the Lord that you have seen the truth

But my friends it is important for you to know

That salvation while yes it is a free gift

It is so much more than just words prayed

In this time of discovering who God is 

Seek to allow God to transform you from the inside 

To help you see the areas that need change

Don’t let it be all words but actions as well

Really dig your roots deep in His foundation 

So that when storms come to try to toss you

You will not be shaken but will trust in God

We know how this story is supposed to go

And whether the ending is in our lifetime 

Or in our children’s lifetime it’s important 

That we build our foundation on Jesus Christ

And that is a solid foundation that won’t break
